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Fall is Coming! Exciting Things in Store for Victorious Living Solutions!

Writer's picture: Nikeya YoungNikeya Young

Hey There!

I know that it has been a while since I last connected with you all. However, I have definitely been keeping busy over the course of this past year, and I am THRILLED to announce that the Victorious Living Solutions podcast (that I have been working on FOREVER) is finally launching THIS FALL!

In the meantime, we will be launching what I like to refer to as “The Lost Season” on August 1st. This is the FULL season of episodes that we taped a little over a year ago (so yes, some of the material will be slightly outdated). “So why release it now Nikeya”? Glad you asked! For one thing, there was some very good material there & we’d hate to let it go to waste! Releasing the “Lost Season” is our way of wetting your appetite for an ALL NEW Season of the Victorious Living Solutions podcast later this Fall.

Click here to find out more about my company Victorious Living Solutions. And be sure to subscribe to the VLS email list if you haven’t done so already so that you can be among the FIRST to listen to both “The Lost Season” starting August 1st AND the new season this Fall!

Lastly, as many of you know, my Facebook and Instagram accounts were hacked (and permanently disabled) in the Fall of 2020. Yes, the Nikeya Young FB page that I used to connect with nearly 3000 of you for MANY years… is gone.

Social Media can be quite unpredictable in that regard, which is why, though I am still on the socials, I will be relying more heavily on my email lists going forward.

Here’s where to find me on social media:

Tik Tok: @LifeCoachNikeya *Listen! I’m still trying to figure this one out, so bare with me! LOL!

That’s it for now! Talk to you soon!

-Coach Nikeya


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